Module V | Utilization

The ITMS-V module ("Utilization") focuses on enabling the long-term use of ITMS results and establishing effective communication with end-users. Working closely with all ITMS modules (ITMS_M, ITMS_Q&S, ITMS_B, ITMS_K), ITMS-V prioritizes actionable outcomes and supports national greenhouse gas reporting (NIR).

Key Responsibilities

  1. Result Preparation and Delivery: ITMS-V coordinates the provision, visualization, and communication of results, utilizing web-based tools (e.g., GeoServer) and a long-term data strategy to make information accessible and sustainable.

  2. User Interaction: Ensures the communication of user requirements to other ITMS modules, with a focus on spatial and temporal resolution needs.

  3. Quality Control: Collaborates with ITMS-K for benchmarking and traceability while verifying the relevance and validity of outputs with modules M, B, and Q&S.


  • Deliver quality-assured results to core users, especially authorities managing and reporting greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Develop a user-oriented communication strategy targeting stakeholders, policymakers, and the public via meetings, publications, and online platforms.

  • Present greenhouse gas data in accessible yet scientifically robust formats.

Collaboration and Implementation

ITMS-V works with the ITMS Coordination Group and ITMS-K to access outputs from other modules via the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). This input is processed and tailored for user delivery. The module facilitates targeted communication and ensures the usability and clarity of greenhouse gas information for diverse audiences.

Responsible institution: Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) (Dr. Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, Dr. Dagmar Kubistin, Elena Zwerschke, Dr. Buhalqem Mamtimin, Dr. Jennifer Müller-Williams, Dr. Martin Steil)

ITMS-V WP-V.1 | User interaction

The communication of ITMS results focuses on understanding user requirements, developing a strategy for data visualization and outreach, and ensuring effective dissemination to diverse user groups. This includes setting guidelines for ITMS communication, gathering feedback, and identifying opportunities for transparent and impactful communication.

ITMS-V WP-V.2 | Quality Control

This work package focuses on collecting internal ITMS results, validating and verifying model outputs, and preparing them for user-oriented dissemination via the ITMS website and the DWD's Climate Data Center (CDC). By leveraging the CDC’s open-access platform, the ITMS results are integrated into a sustainable framework for long-term utilization. Regular iterations ensure alignment with ITMS project milestones, while international collaborations enhance the robustness and transparency of the quality control process, contributing to the overall ITMS objectives through publications that document these efforts.

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